Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Detailed Comparison

In this article we compare the Sony a7S vs Nikon D7200 in a bid to help you decide which camera is better suited to your need. This is why you’ll get to see a side by side comparison of the features of both these cameras.

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However, we are well aware that you might be in a hurry and need to make a quick decision. This is why we have the comparison overview and comparison table section. These two sections contain concise information that you can read through in no time at all and make your quick decision.

We have to mention, though, that we advise that you read through the entire article to get a fuller knowledge on both cameras. Also, we recommend that you check out some of our other Sony-Nikon comparisons, like the Sony a7 vs Nikon D800, for an even wider frame of reference.

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Comparison Overview

Here is a quick rundown of the basic information in this review

Overall Rating Of The Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200

From our research, we believe it is safe to say that both the Sony a7S and the Nikon D7200 are decent cameras. They each have their strengths with the Nikon D7200 having the better sensor resolution and the Sony a7S having the better low light performance. However, generally, both cameras are pretty decent.

Rating Of The Features Of The Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200

First off, the Sony a7S has an electronic viewfinder while the Nikon D7200 has an optical viewfinder. And for all their difference, we all can agree that it is always a better idea to have a viewfinder than not to. Furthermore, both cameras can wirelessly transfer data because of their inbuilt wireless connection and Near Field Communication connection.

Both cameras also have a microphone port, a headphone port and a flash port. And we cannot forget the fact that both cameras have the Auto Exposure Bracketing feature.

One average feature they both share is the continuous shooting mode (5 frames for the Sony a7S and 6 frames for the Nikon D7200). And one feature they both do not have is an in body image stabilization feature.

Now about their relative strengths. With an ISO that can go as high as 409600, the Sony a7S has the better low light performance. It is also the more flexible camera as regards angles because of its articulating screen. Then there is the fact that it is more compact and lighter than the Nikon D7200.

On the other hand, with a 24 megapixel resolution, the Nikon D7200 has a sensor resolution that is twice that of the Sony a7S. Also, this camera has a way longer battery life (1110 shots per charge) than the Sony a7S (360 shots per charge). Plus, this one has two storage slots.

Price/Value Ratio – Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200

As we have seen, both cameras have really impressive features. However, the question is whether those features justify the price of the cameras.

In our opinion, you’ll get more value for your money with the Nikon D7200. Why? Well, while both cameras are almost evenly matched, the Nikon D7200 is pretty affordable while the Sony a7S is practically double the price of the Nikon D7200.

About The Brands


In addition to its many other ventures, Sony happens to be one of the leading manufacturers of cameras in general and the leading manufacturer of mirrorless cameras specifically.

Sony hasn’t been producing cameras for as long as its other competitors so it doesn’t have as impressive a collection of lenses as them. However, most times, Sony does a good job with its sensor quality. Its battery life is something it still struggles with, though.


The Nikon brand is one of the leading manufacturers of cameras, ahead of Sony. Because of how long Nikon has been in the market, you are sure to get a wider selection of lenses and other accessories with this Nikon than with Sony. Also, Nikon camera bodies are usually really affordable but their lenses could get pretty expensive.

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Comparison Table


Sony a7S

Nikon D7200

Weight 1.08 pounds 1.69 pounds
Dimensions 5 by 3.7 by 1.89 inches 5.4 by 4.2 by 3 inches
Battery Life 360 shots per charge 1110 shots per charge
Continuous Shooting 5 frames per second 6 frames per second
Top Level LCD Screen No Yes
Built-In Flash No Yes
Articulating Screen 3 inch tilting screen 3.2 inch fixed screen
Max Resolution 12 megapixels 24 megapixels
Viewfinder Electronic Optical
Storage Slots 1 2
ISO 100 to 409600 100 to 25600 and can expand to 102400
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Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Which Is Better For What?

Sony a7S

Nikon D7200

This camera does way better in low light. So, if you want to be able to shoot without extra light sources, consider getting this camera. On the other hand, you’ll have better room to edit with this camera because of its sensor resolution. So, if you’ll be doing professional stuff with clients and all that, we recommend going for this camera.
Also, if you travel a lot and will be taking your camera with you or you plan on taking your camera on a hike, consider getting this camera because it is significantly lighter than the Nikon D7200. Also, both cameras have about the same continuous shooting rate. However, because this camera has two storage slots, you’ll be able to save time you would have used in constantly replacing memory cards.
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Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Common Features

In this section, we get to appreciate the similarities between these two cameras. We see those features that you are sure to find in both cameras and while some of those features will be exactly alike, some of them will vary a bit.

1. Viewfinder

We cannot help but appreciate the presence of a viewfinder in both cameras. The major reason is because a viewfinder is necessary for framing your subject; you look through the viewfinder and get an idea of what your photo will look like. You can then make any adjustments before you actually take the shot.

Knowing how important this is, the other reason we appreciate the presence of a viewfinder in both cameras is that not all mirrorless cameras have a viewfinder and the Sony a7S is a mirrorless camera. With those cameras that come without, you are expected to make do with the LCD screen and that is not always effective in very bright light.

So, we are excited that both cameras have a viewfinder. Now, here’s where things differ a bit. There are basically two kinds of viewfinder; the optical viewfinder (which the Nikon D7200 has) and the electronic viewfinder (which the Sony a7S has) and they each work differently from the other.

The optical viewfinder, on the one hand, kinda works like a window. It is basically just a screen through which you see your subject. Images appear the way they would to the naked eye. As a result, this kind of viewfinder does not use up so much battery time and has a pretty quick response time.

On the other hand, the electronic viewfinder is a miniature LCD screen. So the images you see on this viewfinder do not appear the way they would to the naked eye but the way they do to your camera sensor. And this is a more accurate representation of what the actual photo will look like. Whatever the type, though, a viewfinder is better than no viewfinder.

2. Auto Exposure Bracketing

Camera is basically how much light a photo has and is determined by a combination of three features; the shutter speed, the ISO and the aperture. Different combinations of these three features (that is, their numerical values) will give you different exposures.

That said, a camera that the Auto Exposure Bracketing can automatically combine these three features to give you different exposures for one particular photo. This is usually a nice idea for those times when you can’t decide on the right exposure you need.

By switching on the Auto Exposure Bracketing mode, your camera shoots the same photo in about 3 different exposures. You can then choose which one works for you or use all three (or more) if you need to. This will also come in handy for HDR. And thankfully, both cameras have this exciting feature.

3. Wireless Connection

Both the Sony a7S and the Nikon D7200 have an inbuilt wireless connection feature. So, you need not get an external device to be able to gain access to the internet with your camera. And via this wireless connection, you can easily transfer files from your camera to an online location, relieving your storage space of some load.

Furthermore, both cameras have the Near Field Communication (NFC) connection which allows for offline wireless transfer. This feature allows a device that is NFC enabled to connect with another device that is also NFC enabled just by placing one device closely over the other; they do not necessarily need to touch.

And finally, both cameras can be controlled using a smartphone. You’ll need to download an app for this one on your smartphone and then establish a connection via said app, of course. Once that, though, you can control the camera; take mock shots and even do minor settings changes on the camera from the smartphone.

4. Continuous Shooting

This one is a mode that allows the camera to shoot faster than it normally would. If you do wildlife photography, sports photography or you’re a paparazzo, you’ve probably been on this mode more than you have on the normal mode.

Continuous shooting is measured as frames per second; that is, how many shots the camera will take in just one second. Both the Sony a7S’ 5 frames per second and the Nikon D7200’s 6 frames per second continuous shooting rate are averagely good.

5. Weather Sealing

We definitely like that both the Sony a7S and the Nikon D7200 have some form of protection against the elements. A weather sealed camera could be any of a number of things, dust resistant or dust proof, water resistant or waterproof, or even a combination of some or all of these.

As for the Sony a7S, it is both dust resistant and water resistant. What this basically means is that, while you cannot plunge the Sony a7S into threating water and dust situations (like in the pool or in a desert), you need not worry so much if there are accidents.

On the other hand, the Nikon D7200 is dustproof and water resistant. So, it is better built to withstand threatening dust situations but not so much water. However, the fact that this camera is dustproof does not mean you do not need to clean out the sensor every once in a while because you do.

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6. Flash Port

The flash is a source of light that you will come to (or more realistically already do) appreciate when you want to take shots in the dark. Wherever it is you want to take your shots, you’ll need light because your sensor needs to see.

So, in that dark or poorly it place, the flash will definitely come in handy. We have to say, though, that we prefer the external flash to the kind that comes in the camera. And that is basically because the external flash is usually a better source of light and even covers a longer distance. So yea, we appreciate that both cameras have a provision for you to attach an external flash.

7. Microphone and Headphone Port

The inbuilt microphone and inbuilt stereo are two other things whose external counterparts are better off. If you’ll be using your camera to shoot videos, you’ll eventually come to agree with us that the inbuilt microphone doesn’t do a great job of recording good audio quality and the inbuilt speaker doesn’t do a good job of playing back good audio quality.

This is why cameras like the Sony a7S and the Nikon D7200 have a microphone port and a headphone port. It is now up to you to get the microphone and headphones that will offer you the quality you are looking for.

8. Video Resolution

Both the Sony a7S and the Nikon D7200 have a 1920 by 1080 video resolution. And while this isn’t exactly 4K video recording, it is still pretty impressive. Especially considering that they can both shoot videos in 60 frames per second.

9. RAW Support

When you shoot in RAW, the pictures basically remain the way they are; in their raw unprocessed form. Unlike jpeg that compresses photos, probably in a bid to manage storage space.

While this is laudable, it is done at the expense of the quality of the photo. Now, when a photo is compressed by jpeg, it loses some of its quality and detailing. And in trying to edit, you even lose some more.

This is why a good number of people are willing to fight the battle with storage space (RAW photos are usually large files and so will fill up your storage space fast), provided quality is not compromised on.

10. Face Detection

The face detection feature allows a camera notice faces and then focus on them. As a result, both cameras can shoot portraits without the photos coming out blurry and this can happen whether or whether not the camera has an in body image stabilization feature.

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – A Sony a7S Demonstration Video

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Unique Features

This is the section where we appreciate the differences between these two cameras. We’ve put together those features that you’ll find in one camera but not the other. We’ve also included those functions where one camera clearly does better than the other.

1. Mirrorless Vs DSLR

Fundamentally, the Sony a7S and the Nikon D7200 differ as to the kind of camera they are. The Sony a7S is a mirrorless camera while the Nikon D7200 is a DSLR and they work differently from each other.

Before we go into the workings, we have to point out that the basic difference between these two kinds of cameras is that a DSLR has both a mirror and an optical viewfinder while a mirrorless camera doesn’t.

That said, here’s how things work. When light passes through the lens of a DSLR, it first hits the mirror. Then, the mirror reflects part of that light unto the autofocus sensor. The other part goes unto the optical viewfinder, allowing you view the subject you’re framing.

On the other hand, when light passes through the lens of a mirrorless camera, it goes on straight to the sensor seeing as there is no mirror. The sensor, instead of sending light now, sends a digital image to the electronic viewfinder or LCD screen, whichever is available. And this accounts for the slower response time than an optical viewfinder.

It has been said that the absence of a mirror allows mirrorless camera do as much as their DSLR cameras while being a lot lighter. Let’s see if this is true of the Sony a7S and the Nikon D7200.

2. Weight

The Sony a7S weighs 1.08 pounds while the Nikon D7200 weighs 1.69 pounds. Neither of the cameras is especially light but while the Sony a7S could not be considered heavy, there are some that would consider the Nikon D7200 heavy.

Furthermore, for interchangeable lens cameras, one has to remember to factor in the weight of the lenses seeing as they are not built into the camera. Both cameras have a number of different lenses available to them and each lens weighs something different from the other.

However, if we can figure out the sensor size that each camera has, we can determine if adding lenses will affect the weight difference between these two cameras. If one camera has a larger sensor than the other, it would require larger and heavier lenses than the other and that will either close or further expand the weight difference between the two cameras.

That said, the Sony a7S uses a full frame sensor while that of the Nikon D7200 is an APS-C sensor which is smaller. As a result, the Sony a7S will require lenses that are larger and smaller than those of the Nikon D7200 for the same aperture and focal length. So yes, attaching lenses could reduce the weight difference between the two cameras.

3. Sensor Resolution

The sensor resolution is what tells you how detailed your photo is. The higher your camera’s sensor resolution in megabits, the more details the photos taken will have. And the more details the photos have, the more room you have to edit.

Here is the thing. Cropping your photos will take away some of the details on your picture. However, if there is a lot, you’ll still have enough left behind to have a beautiful picture, basically.

More details also means that you can print larger than regular. Just like in cropping you lose details, in expanding (to print large) you lose details too. This is basically why a high sensor resolution is necessary.

That said, probably the most disappointing thing about the Sony a7S is its sensor resolution. It has a 12 megapixel sensor resolution and a lot of phones can do better than that. On the other hand, the Nikon D7200’s 24 megapixel sensor resolution is pretty impressive.

4. ISO Range

In talking about exposure, we mentioned that the ISO is one of those features that determine the exposure. This is basically because the ISO is responsible for how much light the camera sensor gets.

A camera does not get one ISO but an ISO range and this is because different ISO ratings are needed for different lighting situations. For instance, if you are shooting in a place that is brightly lit, you do not need all that light getting into your camera and messing up your shot.

This situation calls for a low ISO because when you set your camera to a low ISO, you are telling it to only let in the amount of light that is needed to take a great shot and not all the light that is available.

Already this supposes that you’ll need the high ISOs when you take shots in the dark. This way, the camera compensates for the lack of light by letting in as much light as it can.

Now, while you might never explore the very heights of ISO your camera provides, it is a nice thing that a camera’s ISO can go really high because you just can never know.

The ISO is one feature that the Sony a7S really gets as its height of 409600 is a marvel to a lot of people. On the other hand, the Nikon D7200 can go as high as a modest 25600 and if expanded as high as 102400.

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5. Articulating Screen

An articulating screen is that kind of screen that can be moved or angled in different directions. And the basic idea of this kind of screen is for you to be able to take shots from some interesting angles including overhead and below deck without moving the camera.

There are two kinds of articulating screens: the tilting screen and the full-flex screen. The basic difference between these two kinds of articulating screen is in the range of motion. So, while a tilting screen can only be angled up and then back down, a full-flex screen can be rotated.

That said, the Sony a7S has a tilting screen which is a better idea than the Nikon D7200’s fixed screen. As a form of consolation, though, the Nikon D7200’s 3.2 inch screen is slightly larger than the Sony a7S’s 3 inch screen.

6. Inbuilt Flash

While both cameras have an external flash port, only the Nikon D7200 has an inbuilt flash. Now, the reason we like the inbuilt flash, despite the fact that it isn’t as good a light source as the external flash, is that it is always available and doesn’t add to the weight of the camera.

7. Available Lenses

The Nikon D7200 has 302 lenses available while the Sony a7S has 102, 59 of which are full frame. Furthermore, both cameras do not have an in-body image stabilization feature.

As a result, photos taken with either camera could come out looking blurry if the camera is jostled when the picture is taken. This is why you’ll need to get optical stabilization lenses to prevent such from happening. The Sony a7S has 23 of those available while the Nikon D7200 has 88 of them available.

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – A Nikon D7200 Demonstration Video

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Unique Pros

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Pros Of The Sony a7S

  • First off, the Sony a7S has a really impressive ISO range.
  • Furthermore, this camera has a tilting screen which is way more flexible than the fixed screen that the Nikon D7200 has.
  • Also, this camera has a better low light ISO (3702) than the Nikon D7200 (1333).
  • The Sony a7S has a wider sensor pixel area than the Nikon D7200.
  • Finally, this camera is lighter than the Nikon D7200.

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Pros Of The Nikon D7200

  • First off, the Nikon D7200 has an impressive sensor resolution which is twice that of the Sony a7S.
  • Furthermore, this camera has a way more impressive battery life (1110 shots per charge) than the Sony a7S (360 shots per charge).
  • Also, this camera has more focus points (51) than the Sony a7S (25).
  • The Nikon D7200 has 2 storage slots and that will come in handy if you tend to take a lot of pictures at a time.
  • Furthermore, this camera has a top level LCD screen located at the top of the camera. With this screen, you can make quick setting changes without bending or bending the camera.
  • Also, this camera has the better dynamic range (14.6 as against 13.2) and color depth (24.5 as against 23.9).
  • You can time-lapse record with the Nikon D7200 without downloading any app.
  • Furthermore, this camera has an inbuilt flash which is convenient as it is always available.
  • Finally, this camera has more lenses available with it than the Sony a7S.

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Unique Cons

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Cons Of The Sony a7S

  • First off, the Nikon D7200 doesn’t have an impressive sensor resolution.
  • It also does not have an impressive battery life.

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Cons Of The Nikon D7200

  • The Nikon D7200 has a fixed screen which could be a struggle when you want to take shots from certain angles.

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Common Pros


Sony a7S

Nikon D7200

Viewfinder The Sony a7S has a viewfinder which does better job of framing the subjects that you want to shoot than the LCD screen. Same as the Sony a7S. However, that of the Nikon D7200 is an optical viewfinder.
Auto Exposure Bracketing We like the Auto Exposure Bracketing because it allows the camera automatically choose exposures for you. Because there will certainly be times when you are not sure of what the right exposure would be. Same as the Sony a7S.
Wireless Connection The inbuilt wireless connection guarantees internet access without wires. And the internet access allows you download stuff off the internet and upload files to the internet. Furthermore, the Near Field Communication (NFC) connection allows you transfer files to an off-camera device that is also NFC enabled. Finally, both cameras can be controlled using a smartphone. Same as the Sony a7S.
External Flash Port We certainly like that an external flash can be used with this camera because it is a better light source than the inbuilt flash. Same as the Sony a7S.
Microphone and Headphone Port In the same way, the inbuilt microphone and speaker do not allow for the best quality audio. So, it is sure a good thing that this camera has a provision for one to attach an external microphone and a pair headphones. Same as the Sony a7S.
Weather Sealing This camera is both dust resistant and water resistant. So, you can rest a bit easy knowing that there is a layer of protection for your camera. Same as the Sony a7S. However, this camera is actually dustproof not just dust resistant.
RAW Support The Sony a7S can shoot in RAW which is nice because RAW photos are not compressed but are stored in their original form and quality. Same as the Sony a7S.
Face Detection Finally, this camera is able to detect faces and focus on them, allowing the camera to shoot portraits without blurring them. Same as the Sony a7S.
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Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200
Get the Sony a7S now!Get the Nikon D7200 now!

Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Common Cons


Sony a7S

Nikon D7200

Image Stabilization This camera does not have an in-body image stabilization feature. As a result, if the camera is moved or jostled as you shoot, the photos taken could come out looking blurry. However, this can be prevented by getting any of the Sony a7S’ optical stabilization lenses. Same as the Sony a7S.

Sony a7S vs Nikon D7200 – What people Think About Both Cameras

Sony a7S

Nikon D7200

A lot of people have a lot of good things to say about this camera. One of the things people praise this camera for is having so much functionality built into such little body. Furthermore, some customers have said that this camera will make for a really impressive backup camera or even main camera for professionals, except for the sensor resolution thing. One of the things one customer was especially happy about was the fact that this camera takes such good pictures in low light and it can do this without an extra light source. The Nikon D7200 has also had its share of really good feedback. A lot of people seem to be satisfied with how high the ISO of this camera can go. Then of course, there is the thing about the battery life. The battery life of this camera is pretty impressive and we understand what the appeal is. Some people mentioned the image quality this camera affords as the reason they love this camera. However, what seemed to be a common thread in all the great talks was that this camera is really affordable.
However, some people have said that this camera might be better suited for backup because of its not very impressive sensor resolution. There have also been a number of complaints as regards the battery life. However, this isn’t very surprising seeing as it is a Sony camera. Nonetheless, it looked like some people would have wanted for this camera to have any kind of articulating just to allow for more flexibility.
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Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200
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Sony a7S Vs Nikon D7200 – Our Take

Sony a7S

Nikon D7200

We like this camera and really appreciate how high its ISO can go. If you crank up the ISO of this camera high enough, you probably wouldn’t need a flash. Aside the sensor resolution and how much you can edit, this camera actually gives decent photos and videos too. Then there is the fact that you can actually wirelessly transfer your photos and videos wirelessly because of its online and offline wireless connection. We also like this camera, probably even better than the Sony a7S. And that is majorly because this camera competes favorably with its opponent as regards features and functions and still costs way less. Then there is the fact this camera has a way better battery life and sensor resolution than the Sony a7S.
However, there is the sensor resolution that would stop us from getting this camera as our major camera. Nonetheless, if that doesn’t faze you, get the Sony a7S now! However, we consider an articulating screen an absolute necessity and adding this would have made us love this camera that much more. Nonetheless, if you can work without this, get the Nikon D7200 now!