Sony a7R Vs GH4 – Detailed Comparison

Alright guys! Today we have a very interesting comparison for you. We’re going to be comparing two mirrorless cameras- Sony a7R Vs GH4. Apart from the fact that both of these cameras are mirrorless cameras, they do not bear a lot of similarities.

Sony a7R Vs Panasonic GH4
Get the Sony a7R now! Get the Panasonic GH4 now!

However, if you do not have the time to read through the whole article (it’s going to be quite long), check out the comparison overview below. In the comparison overview, we discuss the main features that you would need to take note of before making the best decision you can possibly make.

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – Comparison Overview

The main difference between these two cameras is that the Sony a7R comes with a 36-megapixel full-frame sensor, while the Panasonic GH4 comes with a 16-megapixel Four Thirds sensor. Apart from that, the overall looks of these cameras are not the same, but on the same level.

The Sony a7R is better suited for taking still photographs. It’s 36-megapixel full-frame sensor can easily tell you that. On the other hand, the GH4 is better suited for recording video. It has the ability to shoot 4K UHD which is not easy to see, especially at this price point.

Speaking of prices, both of these cameras represent good value for money. If you want to talk about price to value ratio, these two cameras are up there.

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – Brand Comparison

Sony is a Japanese Multinational company that is involved in a variety of industries from imaging and optics, to entertainment and gaming, consumer electronics, and they even offer financial services.

Panasonic is also a Japanese Multination company. However, unlike its compatriots, Panasonic is only involved in electronics. Which of course, includes imaging and optics products.

As for their strengths in the market, Sony cameras are more preferred because Sony has a wider range of accessories and lenses to go with their cameras. They also have a wide range of cameras which means that upgrading would be easier as you would already be in the same ecosystem.

Panasonic, on the other hand, is known for making affordable cameras. However, because they don’t produce as many lenses and accessories, consumers are always wary. This is because, lenses always pair better with a camera made by the same company.

Sony a7R Vs Panasonic GH4
Get the Sony a7R now! Get the Panasonic GH4 now!

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – Comparison Table


Sony a7R

Panasonic GH4

Announcement Date 13th February 2014 7th February 2014
Maximum Sensor Resolution 36 megapixels 16 megapixels
ISO 100 – 25600 200 – 25600
Continuous Shooting Rate 4 frames per second 12 frames per second
Weight 465g 560g
Dynamic Range 14.1 12.8
NFC Connection Yes No
Built-in Flash No Yes
Touchscreen No Yes
Battery Life 340 shots 500 shots
Time-lapse Recording Only with optional app Yes
Flash Sync Port No Yes
Maximum Video Resolution 1920 x 1080 4096 x 2160
Sony a7R Vs Panasonic GH4
Get the Sony a7R now! Get the Panasonic GH4 now!

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – What Scenario Is What Camera Best For?

Sony a7R

Panasonic GH4

The Sony a7R is best for taking still photos in good lighting conditions. This is as a result of a combination of different features, the first of which is the sensor resolution.  

At 36 megapixels, this camera is able to capture well detailed photos. These are the kinds of photos that you’ll be able to zoom in to a large extent, without the image getting pixelated.
The Panasonic GH4 is great at quite a number of things, honestly. The biggest is definitely, “4K UHD”.  

This camera has the ability to record videos with resolutions up to 4096 x 2160. You can hardly get this with most cameras today. And for the price, this is a complete steal.
Furthermore, because you have a lot more pixels processed, editing provides you with a lot of different options and routes that you can go with that particular image. If you’re a videographer, a filmmaker, or you just want to create really high-quality videos, this camera will do the job perfectly.
Apart from the sensor resolution, this camera, the Sony a7R, has better dynamic range and color depth than the Panasonic GH4.  

With a dynamic range that wide, your whites won’t get blurred out, and your blacks will appear richer.  

Basically you have a wider spectrum of colors, and also a deeper depth of colors. Again, this gives you a lot of wiggle room when you’re editing.  

Because the image originally has a wide range of colors, you’ll be able to blend the image into whatever color direction you want.
If you’re not shooting cinematic footage, but rather you’re taking action shots and videos, the Panasonic GH4 is still your “go-to camera”.  

Why? Well, look at the continuous shooting rate. This camera has the ability to capture 12 frames per second.  

Compare this to the Sony a7R that shoots just 4 frames per second and you’ll see just how impressive this is.  

At 12 frames per second, you’ll be able to efficiently capture all your action shots without having to worry about your pictures or parts of your videos getting blurred.
One thing that Sony cameras are known for is to do well in low-light, including this camera. If you do a lot of low-light photography, a camera like this is very helpful.  

It has a wide ISO range and a high low light ISO number. This allows for more light sensitivity in your cameras, and as such, allows you get brighter photos in low-light.  

As if that’s not enough, this camera comes with a full-frame sensor, which is much larger than the Four thirds sensor that comes with the Panasonic GH4.  

The larger the sensor area, the more light passes through the camera. When you’re taking shots in low-light, you want your camera to capture as much light as is possible.
When it comes to low-light shooting, there are two methods to getting a great shot. The first method is what is used in the Sony a7R. Great camera light sensitivity.  

The second method, however, is what this camera uses. “Adding external light”. When it comes to external lighting options, the Panasonic is your best bet.  

It comes with a built-in flash for portability. And when the built-in flash isn’t enough, you have an external flash shoe (both cameras- Sony a7R Vs GH4, come with this).  

When you need all the light you can get, say you’re doing proper flash photography, this camera comes with a flash sync port. This flash sync port will let you connect the camera to an off-camera flash, to get the best lighting possible.
Sony a7R Vs Panasonic GH4
Get the Sony a7R now! Get the Panasonic GH4 now!

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – Common Features

Just like we said in the introduction of this article, these two cameras- Sony a7R Vs GH4, have very few similarities. However, that’s not going to stop us from mentioning those similarities.

In this section of this Sony a7R Vs GH4 comparison article, we would be looking at all the features that both of these cameras come with.

They’re Both Mirrorless Cameras

The biggest, and the most notable, similarity between these two cameras is that they’re both mirrorless cameras. Being mirrorless cameras, they bear some similar pros, as well as cons.

1. Portability

The main reason for the creation of mirrorless cameras was to provide a camera with equal, or similar, quality as the DSLR, but in a smaller form factor. Which is why mirrorless cameras are usually a lot smaller and more lightweight than DSLRs.

You can clearly see this from the respective weights of these two cameras- Sony a7R Vs GH4 (465g vs 560g). We would seen find out why the Panasonic GH4 weighs slightly more than the Sony a7R.

2. Affordability

While the major reason for the creation of mirrorless cameras was for portability, that’s not the only benefit mirrorless cameras have. Because mirrorless cameras depend a lot more on electronic parts, they can deliver a lot more quality at more affordable rates compared to DSLRs.

This is because, electronic parts are cheaper and easier to manufacture than mechanical parts. You can see this in the Panasonic GH4 which allows you shoot in 4K UHD. To find a DSLR camera capable of such fit, you’ll have to pay a very huge sum, and there are few choices available.

3. Speed

Another reason why many people love mirrorless cameras is because of speed. On a DSLR, when the shutter button is clicked, the mirror inside has to flip upwards first for light to hit the imaging sensor, before the image is captured. For a mirrorless camera, light constantly hits the electronic sensor so no movement is needed before a picture is taken.

This is why mirrorless cameras have faster shutter speeds, as well as, continuous shooting rates, than DSLRS. Although this cannot be seen in the Sony a7R, which comes with just 4 frames per second, it can be clearly seen in the Panasonic GH4 that can shoot up to 12 frames per second.


1. Battery Life

Mirrorless cameras have poor battery life when compared to DSLRs because of their size. To make the mirrorless camera as compact and as portable as it is, some things had to reduce in size, including the battery.

The thing about batteries is that their capacity is often determined by their size. So, a bigger battery of the same type, will have more capacity than a smaller battery of that same type.

We mentioned earlier that we would explain why the Panasonic GH4 weighs slightly more than the Sony a7R. Well, it’s all in the battery size. The Panasonic GH4 comes with a bigger battery that shoots 500 shots per full charge. On the other hand, the Sony a7R comes with a smaller battery that can only shoot 340 shots per full charge.

So, the reduction in the battery size of the Sony a7R is what led to the overall reduction in both battery capacity, and weight. Even the 500 shots that is available on the GH4 is nothing when you compare it to similar DSLRs.

2. Electronic Viewfinder

You can hardly talk about mirrorless cameras without mentioning electronic viewfinders. In fact, whenever the argument between mirrorless cameras and DSLRs pops up, the argument between electronic viewfinders and optical viewfinders is usually not far behind.

From their names, you get a brief description of how both of these viewfinders work. DSLRs make use of a mirror and a pentaprism to direct light from the camera’s lens to the optical viewfinder. Therefore, what you see through an optical viewfinder is raw light, exactly as your camera sees it.

With mirrorless cameras, that mirror is replaced by one electronic sensor. This electronic sensor is responsible for turning the light that enters into the camera into a digital image. When you look through an electronic viewfinder, it is this electronic image that you see.

The basic difference between seeing through both of these viewfinders is that with one you’re seeing your frame exactly how the human eye sees it (optical viewfinder), and with the other you’re seeing a processed version of the image.

The latter is obviously better because you have a live representation of how things will look if you alter any settings. Let’s say you increase or decrease the ISO for instance- with an optical viewfinder, you don’t notice anything, you can only read the light sensitivity through your light meter.

With an electronic viewfinder, you’ll literally see the image getting brighter and darker as you’re tweaking it.

There is a catch, though. Electronic viewfinders are very power consuming. On top of the fact that mirrorless cameras originally have smaller batteries, this is not great news. So, if you’re going to be using your viewfinder very often, you might want to take that into consideration.

Sony a7R Vs Panasonic GH4
Get the Sony a7R now! Get the Panasonic GH4 now!

Wireless Connection

Both of these cameras come with wireless connectivity. There are two major benefits to this wireless connection feature. The first is easy and quick transfer of files. Imagine you’re covering an event and then your storage gets full.

Don’t you think it’ll look unprofessional if you have to start removing SD cards or plugging in wires to your laptop to transfer the files? We think so too. With wireless connectivity, all you need to do is pair your camera with your other devices and send the files seamlessly.

The second major benefit is to upload files to the internet. If your primary audience is on the internet and your content doesn’t need to be edited a lot before it gets to them, you can easily send the files to them straight from the camera.

Apart from that, you can upload files to the internet to back them up. Backing up your files on the internet is a great way to ensure that you don’t lose any of your work incase a memory card gets faulty or corrupt. You definitely don’t want a couple’s entire wedding photos to be on only one memory card if it ever gets corrupt.

There is a slight difference in the wireless connection feature of these two cameras. The Sony a7R comes with NFC connection, while the Panasonic GH4 does not. NFC (Near Field Communication) connection involves connecting two compatible devices, simply by placing them really close to each other.

Once these two devices are paired, they will automatically connect to each other once they come close to each other again.

Articulating Screen

Both of these cameras come with an articulating screen. An articulating screen basically refers to an LCD screen that can tilt to certain degrees. There are certain angles you would need to shoot from where it would simply be impossible to use your viewfinder.

It is at these moments that you need the help of the articulating screen. You would be able to tilt them in those directions, so you can get continuous good framing and control for your photos and videos, using the LCD screen.

External Flash Shoe

An external flash shoe is a little pocket that allows you connect your camera to an on-camera flash. If you take a lot of low-light shots, you’ll know that there are sometimes when a high ISO just doesn’t do the trick, and you absolutely need that extra lighting.

RAW Support

RAW, just like JPEG, and PNG, is an image saving format. All digital cameras initially capture images in this format. Hence the name, RAW. However, not all cameras allow you to save the image in that format.

Cameras that do not let you save your images RAW, will initially edit the image, compress it, and then convert it to JPEG. It is that JPEG file that they save. Even if your camera comes with RAW storage support, if you don’t set it, it’ll automatically save in JPEG.

While this is good enough for most people, if you’re into professional photography, it might not be good enough for you. The reason is that JPEG images are compressed, so, they’ve lost some information. It’s best you have all the possible information on the pictures, that way, you can edit it into whatever you want in post-production.

One thing you must take note of, though, is the fact that RAW images are very large. If you want to shoot RAW, make sure that you have enough storage space.

Sony a7R Vs Panasonic GH4
Get the Sony a7R now! Get the Panasonic GH4 now!

Face Detection Focus

This feature is very simple, most times you don’t even notice it until it’s absent. With face detection focus, your camera automatically focuses on a face, once it’s in the frame.

If you take a lot of portrait shots, you’ll appreciate this feature even more.

Microphone And Headphone Ports

Both of these cameras come with a microphone port and a headphone port, each. The microphone port allows you to connect an external microphone to your camera. This will help you record high-quality audio with your videos.

The headphone port is to let you connect a headphone to your camera. This headphone is what you will use to monitor the sound that your microphone is getting. Without this, you would have to wait until you’re done recording, before you can hear what the audio sounds like.

Environmental Sealing

If you do a lot of outdoor shooting, then this feature is one that you’re definitely going to love. Environmental sealing, or weather sealing, basically means that your camera is sealed in order to protect it from damage that might be caused by the weather or other environmental factors.

To put this into perspective, this basically means that both of these cameras are sealed in such a way that neither moisture, nor dust, can cause damage to them. This means that you can use your camera outdoors, even when it’s drizzling, or it’s windy.

AE Bracketing

Auto Exposure Bracketing is one of the best innovations to come to modern photography. Before auto exposure bracketing, you had to manually create exposure brackets yourself, which was quite stressful.

To manually create an exposure bracket, you need to set the exposure level you want, take the picture, and repeat that same process over and over. As you can already tell, that’s quite stressful. With auto exposure brackets, that whole process only needs to be carried out once.

All you need to do is set the different exposure levels you want to try out. For most, this will range from underexposed to overexposed, all in equal margins. After setting this, you’ll only need to click the shutter button once and the camera will capture the different images with the different exposure levels.

Apart from completely simplifying the creation of exposure brackets, auto exposure bracketing also makes it possible to create HDR photos. An HDR photo is one picture that is formed by joining all the pictures in an auto exposure bracket together. This is done in order to create one image that is perfectly exposed.

You can’t do this with a normal exposure bracket because all the pictures in the bracket will vary slightly as they were not taken at the exact time.

Sony a7R Vs Panasonic GH4
Get the Sony a7R now! Get the Panasonic GH4 now!

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – Features Unique To Each Camera

In this section of this Sony a7R Vs GH4 comparison article, we would be looking at all the features that either of these cameras comes with, that the other does not. We’re sure this is the part you’ve been waiting for. So, without further ado, let’s get into it!

Features Unique To The Sony a7R

1. Full-frame Sensor

The Sony a7R comes with a full-frame sensor. A full-frame sensor in a digital camera is an imaging sensor in a digital camera that has the same size as a traditional 35mm film. It measures at 36 x 24mm.

The biggest advantage that full-frame sensors have is directly involved with light sensitivity. Full-frame sensors have a surface area that is 2.5 times larger than the traditional APS-C sensor, which is also a little larger than the Four Thirds sensor that is available on the GH4.

The bigger the surface area, the more light it can accept. This means that with higher ISO settings, you get more light in with a larger sensor. So, if you do a lot of low-light photography, then you definitely want a full-frame sensor that’s big enough to capture every single light made available. 

Features Unique To The Panasonic GH4

1. Built-in Flash

Just like we’ve explained earlier on in this article, taking low-light shots can be done in two ways. You can either increase your camera’s light sensitivity to allow your camera make do with whatever light is present (however small), or you can add external light sources to brighten up the scene.

While the Sony a7R is more focused on the former, this camera, the Panasonic GH4, is more focused on the latter. This camera comes with a built-in flash that provides you with extra lighting, when you need it.

The great thing about this is that you no longer have to carry an on-camera flash with you wherever you go. It helps a lot with portability and keeping your camera kit as small as possible.

2. Touchscreen

Our smartphones are touchscreen, our tablets are touchscreen, our laptops are touchscreen, why can’t our cameras be touchscreen? No reason, because they definitely can, and should, be touchscreen.

The Panasonic GH4 has an LCD screen with a touchscreen function. The great thing about touchscreen is how intuitive and easy it is to get into menus and settings. It’s also a lot faster than having to move through the settings using buttons.

Another great advantage to having a touchscreen feature is focusing. With touchscreen, it’s super easy to manually focus as all you have to do is tap on the part of the frame you want to focus on, and it automatically gets focused on.

3. Time-lapse Recording

Time-lapse photography refers to a photography technique where the frequency of shots, otherwise known as frame rates, are much more spread out than the frequency in which you view that sequence.

Therefore, when this is played at normal speed, time appears to move faster than normal, hence the term, lapsing. It’s a fun and creative way to shoot and it’s usually used to show the passage of time and how it affects a particular scene.

We all know that you definitely cannot sit on one spot for 24 hours, taking a picture every 5 minutes. That’s why the “time-lapse” feature was added to modern cameras. With this feature, all you have to do is set the number of pictures you want to take, and the intervals you want them to be taken in, and then viola! Your camera does the rest of the job for you.

With this camera, the Panasonic GH4, you can do this right out of the box. On the other hand, with the Sony a7R, you have to install an additional application to achieve the same feat.

4. 4K UHD Video Resolution

While the Sony a7R can only shoot HD video at 1920 x 1080, this camera can shoot videos with resolutions up to 4096 x 2160. This is even more than the 3840 x 2160 UHD which is a lot more popular.

With a resolution this high, your videos will look more beautiful and a lot more professional. If you want to get into professional videography, cinematography, or video making, this is something that you seriously need to consider.

Coupled with this is a feature called “4K Photo Mode”. 4K photo mode basically extracts 8-megapixel photos from the 4K videos you’ve recorded. Just like the 4K videos you’re extracting them from, these photos are of very high resolution, and as such, very clear.

5. Flash Sync Port

When the lighting with the built-in flash is not enough, you attach your on-camera flash to this camera using the external flash shoe. When the light from the on-screen flash is also not enough, what do you do?

Well, you sync your camera to an off-camera flash using its flash sync port.

Alright! At this point we’re sure your urging to see what this camera is actually like, and probably watch someone test it out to give you a feel of what its like to use it. Well, check out the video below:

Sony a7R Vs Panasonic GH4
Get the Sony a7R now! Get the Panasonic GH4 now!

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – Unique Pros

Sony a7R

High Maximum Sensor Resolution (36 Megapixels)

While the Panasonic GH4 comes with a maximum sensor resolution of just 16 megapixels, this camera, the Sony a7R, comes with a maximum sensor resolution of 36 megapixels. Yes, we know that sensor resolution is not everything, however, it does play a huge role in determining what your image comes out looking like.

The more megapixels your camera has, the more pixels it processes. This means that you would have a freer license to zoom in on your pictures, crop things out, print large sheets of the photos, without any part of the image getting pixelated.

For most professional photographers, a good professional camera should have at least, 20 megapixels. Well, this camera very well surpasses that benchmark.

  • It is lightweight, weighs just 465g.
  • It has better color depth than the GH4.
  • Better dynamic range with this camera means that you get a wider range of colors.
  • Great for low-light photography with a low light ISO of 2746.
  • It comes with a full-frame sensor, so, it has a much larger sensor pixel area than the GH4. This means that you get more light sensitivity and more depth of field.
  • It comes with NFC connection, which makes it faster to connect to other compatible devices.

Panasonic GH4

  • It comes with a built-in flash. This means that you can get great lighting without having to always carry an on-camera flash.
  • Navigation through menus and settings within this camera is very easy as it comes a touchscreen feature.
  • With a continuous shooting rate of 12 frames per second, you can take all the action shots you want with this camera.
  • The battery life of this camera might not be great, but for a mirrorless camera, it does pretty well at 500 shots per full charge.
  • You can record time-lapses with this camera, straight out of the box. With the Sony a7R, you would have to first install an additional app.
  • You get a maximum video resolution of 4K UHD at 4096 x 2160.
  • The flash sync port on this camera allows you connect your camera to an off-camera flash to get much better lighting.

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – Unique Cons

Sony a7R

  • There is no built-in flash. This means that you’ll need to carry your on-camera flash with you wherever you go.
  • No touchscreen feature, you’ll have to go tactile.
  • It has a continuous shooting rate of just 4 frames per second.
  • The battery life of this camera is poor. It can only shoot 340 shots per full charge.
  • To record a time-lapse with this camera, you need to first install an additional app.
  • Only allows you to shoot in 1080p.

Panasonic GH4

  • Comes with only 16 megapixels.
  • It doesn’t have a great low-light performance. It has a lowlight ISO of just 791.
  • It comes with a Four Thirds sensor that has such a small sensor pixel area.
  • This camera weighs 560g, which is quite heavy for a mirrorless camera.
  • There is no NFC connection.

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – Common Pros


Sony a7R

Panasonic GH4

Wireless Connection The wireless connection feature that both of these cameras come with helps to easily transfer files from the cameras to other devices.

Furthermore, it also helps you to upload your files straight from your camera to the internet.  

This can be used to easily send your stuff to your audience, or to backup your files.
Same as the Sony a7R.
Articulating Screen With an articulating screen, you can easily shoot from different angles, tilting the screen each time, so it remains great for framing the shot. In this aspect, although these two are good, the Panasonic GH4 is better.  

This camera comes with a fully articulated screen, which gives you more flexibility than the tilting screen on the Sony a7R.
External Flash Shoe An external flash shoe allows you connect an on-camera flash to your camera.  

This is great if you need extra lighting when you’re shooting in low-light, or when you’re shooting flash photography.
Same as the Sony a7R.
Electronic Viewfinder With an electronic viewfinder, you get complete control and framing over your photos.  

The fact that electronic viewfinders consume a lot of battery is often immediately forgotten when you look at how much value they provide.  

With an electronic viewfinder, you get a live preview of exactly how your image is going to turn out when you capture it.
Same as the Sony a7R.
RAW Support Both of these cameras allow you to save your pictures in RAW format.  

This means that you get more detailed images with as much information as is needed.
Same as the Sony a7R.
Face Detection Focus Face detection focus allows your camera to immediately focus on a face, once it’s in the frame of the camera. Same as the Sony a7R.
Microphone Port It helps you to connect an external microphone to your camera.  
This allows you record high-quality audio straight into your camera.
Same as the Sony a7R.
Headphone Port A headphone port allows you connect a headphone to your camera.  

This allows you monitor the audio you’re recording with your microphone.
Same as the Sony a7R.
Environmental Sealing This simply means that your camera is protected from both dust and moisture. Same as the Sony a7R.
AE Bracketing There are two main benefits of AE bracketing. The first reason is that it eases the stress of creating exposure brackets.  

The second reason is that it allows you create HDR photos.
Same as the Sony a7R.
Sony a7R Vs Panasonic GH4
Get the Sony a7R now! Get the Panasonic GH4 now!

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – Common Cons


Sony a7R

Panasonic GH4

No in-camera Image Stabilization Neither of these cameras comes with in-camera image stabilization.  

This means that in order to get stable videos, you absolutely need to use a tripod or a gimbal.
Same as the Sony a7R.
No built-in Bluetooth There are a lot of devices that come with Bluetooth connectivity.  
If either of these cameras had come with Bluetooth, it would have been easier to connect with, and transfer files to those devices, using Bluetooth.
Same as the Sony a7R.
Built-in GPS Without a built-in GPS. You cannot find your camera if it ever gets misplaced.  

On a lighter note, you cannot geotag your photos either. If you’re a travel photographer, that might be a bummer.
Same as the Sony a7R.
Only One Card Slot Having only single card slots means that neither of these cameras come with storage flexibility. Same as the Sony a7R.

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – General Feeling Amongst Users

Sony a7R

Panasonic GH4

The first thing people really noticed about this camera is its 36-megapixel sensor. If you ask most professionals, a professional camera should have at least, 20 megapixels. One reason why people always love Panasonic is because they make affordable cameras. the GH4 is no different.
Well, this camera surpasses that, effortlessly. People who loved this camera where mainly people who needed all the information, and all the detail in their images.  

Mostly people who print really large prints of their images. That’s the biggest advantage of having many megapixels. You can print your images on really large sheets without any part of the image getting pixelated.
People had a few problems with the 16-megapixel micro four third sensor that this camera comes with. However, once you look past that, it’s a great camera.  

For video recording, this camera was simply a beast, as described by many customers. It’s 4K UHD resolution and 12 frames per second shooting speed can be thanked for that.
Sony a7R Vs Panasonic GH4
Get the Sony a7R now! Get the Panasonic GH4 now!

Sony a7R Vs GH4 – What Do We Think?

We think that both of these cameras are good in their own rights. At the end of the day, picking either one or the other should be entirely dependent on what you want to use the camera for.

If you want to record videos, the Panasonic GH4 is better, and if you want to take still photographs, the Sony a7R is better.

Sony a7R

Panasonic GH4

Get the Sony a7R now! Get the Panasonic GH4 now!

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