Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i – Detailed Comparison

This article is a comparison between the Sony a6000 vs Canon T6i, as the title suggests. And if you are here, you’re most likely trying to decide between these two cameras. Don’t worry, we’ve got you!

Get the Sony a6000 now!Get the Canon T6i now!

We’ve detailed the features and functions of both cameras, comparing those of one camera against those of the other. This way, you do not only know how one camera performs, you know how it performs relative to the other camera.

In a hurry? We’ve also got you covered. You’ll see below a comparison overview section and a comparison table. We’ve summarized the basic idea of both cameras so that you can make a quick decision.

One more thing, we have other camera comparison articles like the one between the Sony a6000 and the Sony a6300 which came after it. Be sure to go check some of the articles out, you might be surprised at what you’ll find. Now, back to the Sony a6000 vs Canon T6i.

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i – Comparison Overview

Here is your quick overview:

Overall Rating Of The Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i

First off, while the Sony a6000 is regarded as a semi-pro, the Canon T6i is regarded as an entry-level. We want you to bear this in mind throughout this article, as it forms the foundation for a good number of what you’ll see.

That said, we consider both cameras good cameras in their own right. We do think, though, that the Sony a6000 would be better for taking quick shots because of its 11 frames per shot.

On the other hand, we consider the Canon T6i the better camera for videos basically because it comes with a microphone. The slightly better screen resolution might also have something to do with that.

Generally, both cameras are good cameras for the semi-pro and the entry-level camera that they are.

Ratings Of The Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i

Both cameras have a number of features that make them true to the kind of cameras they are. The Sony a6000 is significantly lighter (0.76 pounds), doesn’t have a very long battery life (360 shots) and comes with a mirrorless camera.

On the other hand, the Canon T6i is significantly heavier (1.2 pounds) but not exactly a heavy camera and comes with an optical viewfinder. We would have expected the Canon T6i to have a longer battery life than 440 shots, though.

That said, there are a number of features we like that both cameras share. They include an in-built wireless connection, an articulating screen, flash and NFC connection.

However, bear in mind that neither camera is weather sealed. You’ll be able to work around that, though.

Price/Value Ratio — Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i

Both cameras are actually fairly priced. You’ve seen the features that they come with, so, the price they go for is actually good.

There is actually a little price difference between these two cameras with the Sony a6000 being the more affordable one. However, that difference is just so small that it wouldn’t influence our decision one way or the other.

Get the Sony a6000 now!Get the Canon T6i now!

About The Brands


Sony is a Japanese conglomerate that has its hands in a wide range of business ventures. It has been around for quite a while and has, in its period of existence, been able to gain grounds in such spheres as entertainment, gaming, electronics and even finance.

Its products are usually of good quality and are spread across a wide range of products that there’ll be something for everybody.


Canon is another Japanese corporation. However, unlike Sony, it has a more defined reach. Canon is more concerned with providing products that are in the optical and imaging category.

Hence, you are more likely to find the Canon brand name on things like cameras, photocopiers, camcoders and the like, than anything else. Canon is also pretty popular for the quality it brings and that is something we hope the Canon T6i possesses.

Now that we’ve cleared all that up, let’s head right into the comparisons.

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i – Comparison Table


Sony a6000

Canon T6i

Weight 0.76 pounds 1.2 pounds
Dimensions 4.7 by 2.6 by 1.8 inches 5.2 by 4 by 3.1 inches
Battery Life 360 shots per charge 440 shots per charge
Continuous Shooting 11.0 frames per second (fps) 5.0 frames per second (fps)
Wireless Connection In-built In-built
Screen Type Tilting screen Fully Articulating Screen
Viewfinder Electronic Optical
Microphone Port No Yes
ISO 100 – 25600 and can be expanded to 51200 100 – 12800 and can be expanded 51200

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i — A Comparison Video

Get the Sony a6000 now!Get the Canon T6i now!

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i – Which Is Better Under What Circumstance?

Sony a6000

Canon T6i

The Sony a6000 is the faster of the 2 cameras. So, consider getting this camera if speed is important to you. The Canon T6i comes with a microphone port. This automatically makes it the better option for video coverage.
The Sony a6000 is also the lighter of the 2 cameras. Consider getting this camera if you’ll be lugging your camera about a lot. Also, the screen of the Canon T6i is fully articulated. So, you can flip it over and use the camera as a selfie camera or use it to video yourself.
Get the Sony a6000 now!Get the Canon T6i now!

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i – Common Features

Remember how when we talked about the possibility of similarities? Well, here is the section where we explore those similarities.

This section will include all those features and functions that are exactly the same in both cameras. We’ll also be making provision here for those features and functions that are alike but with slight variations. Stay with us!

1. Viewfinder

If you’ve followed us through from the beginning of this article (or if you’re a camera expert), you would know that this is not something to be taken for granted. What we mean is that there are cameras out there without a viewfinder.

Now what is the function of the viewfinder? The viewfinder is a kind of small screen through which you look to see whatever subject you intend to capture.

Those cameras that come without a viewfinder depend totally on the LCD screen. The LCD screen could be enough to tide you over but might not be of much use if you are in a too brightly lit area.

Thankfully, both the cameras in this article come with a viewfinder. The Sony a6000 makes use of an electronic viewfinder (which is typical for a mirrorless camera) while that of the Canon T6i is optical (which is typical for a DSLR).

For information on how mirrorless cameras differ from DSLRs, refer to the Comparison Overview section of this article.

That said, there is a slight difference between the viewfinders aside the fact that one is electronic and the other is optical. The viewfinder on the Sony a6000 has a 100% coverage vs the Canon T6i which has a 95% coverage. This is a slight variation that you might not even miss and that’s why this feature made it here.

2. Articulating Screen

What is an articulating screen? An articulating screen is basically a screen that can be moved in certain directions without moving the entire camera.

This is a good idea as it helps you capture images from different angles which a fixed screen will not allow for. That said, both the Sony a6000 and the Canon T6i have an articulating screen but there is a difference.

The Sony a6000 has what we can call a partial articulating screen. We call it this because it can only be tilted upward or downward. The tilting will still afford you angles which a fixed screen cannot, so that’s good.

On the other hand, the Canon T6i has a fully articulating screen. This one can do more than be tilted upward and downward. This already makes the Canon T6i a good camera for taking selfies. But that’s not all.

Canon goes for convenience with the screen of the Canon T6i in that it is a touch screen. How is this more convenient? We don’t really know, we just know that people seem to love tapping on screens as opposed to tapping on buttons.

Now that we’ve talked about the variations, let’s go back to what is similar. Both the Sony a6000 and the Canon T6i have a 3 inch screen which is reasonable.

3. Flash

Light is very important to taking the perfect picture. And by light we don’t not just mean light, we mean the right kind of light. However, there are times when we don’t exactly have control over the amount of light available in a place. So what happens when the light isn’t enough?

Your camera needs a flash. Now while cameras generally make provision for this feature, not all of them have the flash built into the camera. And an in-built flash is just more convenient that having to attach things. Thankfully, both these cameras have an in-built flash.

Furthermore, both the cameras also have a provision for an external flash for those times when the in-built flash isn’t enough. The external flash will also come in handy when you want to do something like flash photography.

Now just to get things clear, the cameras do not come with an external flash but an external flash port. That is, a port where you attach an external flash.

4. Battery Life

Now here is something with a significant variation. However, we’ve decided to include this in the common features section because at the heart of it, there is a strong similarity.

That said, both the Sony a6000 and the Canon T6i do not have a very good battery life. With cameras, battery life is usually measured by how many shots the camera can take with 1 charge.

Now with the Sony a6000 you get 360 shots per charge while the Canon T6i offers 440 shots per charge. If you are new to the camera business, you might consider these numbers high enough because ‘how many shots do I really need to take’, right?

Well, while those numbers might be enough for your needs, they are not nearly the best you can get with cameras. Furthermore, someone else might point out that there is an 800 shot difference between these cameras, with the Canon T6i taking the cake.

However, it isn’t so unusual to see mirrorless cameras with poor battery life. But DSLRs? 440 is not the best a DSLR can do, really. Nonetheless, as we hinted at before, if you want to use the camera for nothing more than a family gathering, you might find the battery life quite satisfactory.

Get the Sony a6000 now!Get the Canon T6i now!

5. Picture Resolution

This tells us how sharp the photo outcome will look. Of course, the higher the number in megapixels, the better the photo looks.

Thankfully, both the Sony a6000 and the Canon T6i offer really good numbers in megapixels. They both have a 24 megapixel picture resolution.

6. Wireless Connection

The whole world is online right now. Hence, manufacturers are trying to get their devices to be able to connect to the internet. And apparently, cameras are not left out of this.

Both the Sony a6000 and the Canon T6i have in-built wireless connection that allows for easier and better internet connection.

Still on the issue of connection and connectivity, both the cameras are NFC (Near Field Connection) compatible. What this means is they can automatically connect to other devices (not necessarily cameras) that are NFC compatible. This way, you can have a seamless transfer of files from one device to the other.

Another great thing about the connectivity of both cameras is that they can be smartphone controlled. That is, you can position your camera (within connection reach of the connected smartphone, of course) and just take the shots you want. Your phone screen will automatically serve as the LCD screen.

7. RAW Support

This is basically about what format the photos taken get saved in. The RAW format is really great so whatever photos you take on either camera will be saved in great quality as both cameras support the RAW format.

8. ISO Range

The ISO range tells us how much room a camera has to adjust as a result of light sensitivity. Now, even without knowing much about cameras, you probably already know that a wide range is almost always a good thing. A wide range just offers you more room and flexibility to do what needs to be done.

That said, we want you to bear in mind that while a wide ISO range is almost always a good thing, you have a major decision to take if you decide to swing to the high ISO numbers.

The reason is high ISO numbers allow for better light sensitivity which translates into better pictures, quite alright. However, the higher the numbers, the higher the possibility of the photo having grains. So, you’ll have to decide which of them the lesser evil is.

That said, neither of these cameras has a very wide ISO range, with the Canon T6i having a smaller one. The Range is decent though and some people might even find it satisfactory.

The Sony a6000 has a 100 to 25600 range that can be expanded to 51200. On the other hand, the Canon T6i has a 100 to 12800 range which can be expanded to 25600.

9. UHS Memory Card

UHS basically means Ultra High Speed and it does basically what the name suggests. Now, cameras usually have to have a memory card slotted in where photos captured will be stored.

Now the edge that a UHS memory card has over regular memory cards is that it allows for photos to be quickly sent over. This contributes to the speed of the camera. Thankfully, both these cameras are compatible with a UHS memory card, the UHS-I kind to be precise.

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i — A Sony a6000 Demonstration Video

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i – Unique Features

This is where we discuss those features that appear on one camera but not on the other. This list will also include those features that are kinda alike but with significant enough differences.

1. Weight

There is a significant difference between the Sony a6000 and the Canon T6i as regards weight. And this is actually expected as DSLR cameras are known to be heavier than mirrorless cameras.

The Sony a6000 weighs 0.75 pounds (without a lens) which is fairly lightweight. On the other hand, the Canon T6i weighs 1.2 pounds (without a lens) which isn’t the heaviest but is significantly heavier than the Sony a6000.

Furthermore, in considering weight, it makes sense to factor in the weight of the accompanying lens. However, seeing as both cameras have the same size of sensor, it follows that they will both use the same weight and size of lens for a similar aperture and focal length.

Seeing that they use lenses that are similar in weight and size, we don’t expect the lenses to tip the scales to make the Sony a6000 heavier than the Canon T6i.

2. Continuous Shooting

This is basically about how fast the camera can get and it is measured by how many shots the camera can take in 1 second.

The Sony a6000 can get 11 shots in 1 second while the Canon T6i can only get 5 shots in 1 second. That’s less than half the speed of the Sony a6000.

3. Microphone Port

Of the 2 cameras in this review, only the Canon T6i comes with a microphone port. If you want to use your camera for only photography, you probably won’t miss this feature. However, if you want to do a little bit of video coverage (or a lot), you might want the feature.

The microphone port is the provision for you to attach a microphone to. The added microphone will help you record better audio than if it wasn’t there. This is basically the reason the Sony a6000 is more favored among photographers than among videographers.

4. Available Lenses

You can’t make use of your camera without a lens or lenses so this is pretty important. With 319 lenses, the Canon T6i has more lenses available vs the Sony a6000 which has 102 lenses available.

Furthermore, both the Sony a6000 and the Canon T6i do not have an image stabilization feature. This feature is meant to prevent the photos from getting blurry when the camera is in motion.

Hence, you’ll have to have to purchase (separately) a lens or lenses with optical stabilization. The Sony a6000 has 23 of those lenses available while the Canon T6i has 91 of those lenses of them available.

Get the Sony a6000 now!Get the Canon T6i now!

Sony a6000 vs Canon T6i – Unique Pros

Pros Of The Sony a6000

  • First off, the Sony a6000 is significantly lighter vs the Canon T6i. And this will matter more to you when you have to keep lugging the camera about.
  • Furthermore, the Sony a6000 is significantly faster than the Canon T6i. The Sony a6000 has a speed of 11 frames per second vs the Canon T6i which has a speed of only 5 frames per second.
  • Also, while both cameras have a not so good ISO range, with a range that is expandable to 51200, the Sony a6000 does have it better.

Pros Of The Canon T6i

  • The Canon T6i has a touch screen which could be exciting. Also, because the screen is fully articulated, the Canon T6i makes for a good selfie camera.
  • Furthermore, the Canon T6i comes with a microphone port that makes it great at recording audio. This is a nice feature for those looking for a camera for video coverage.
  • Also, the Canon T6i has more lenses available to it. The Canon T6i has 319 lenses available vs the Sony a6000 which has 102 lenses available with it.

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i — A Canon T6i Demonstration Video

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i – Unique Cons

Cons Of The Sony a6000

  • The Sony a6000 doesn’t come with a microphone port. Now, this might not be an issue if you stick with photography. However, if you want to do a bit (or a lot) of videography, you might want a microphone port.
  • Also, the Sony a6000 doesn’t come with as many lenses as the Canon T6i does. However, this might only be an issue for the more professional photographers.

Cons Of The Canon T6i

  • The Canon T6i is as fast as the Sony a6000. In fact, its speed is a little less than half what the Sony a6000 offers.
  • Also, the Canon T6i is significantly heavier than the Sony a6000.

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i – Common Pros


Sony a6000

Canon T6i

Articulating Screen The Sony a6000 has a screen that can be tilted upward or downward. It makes sense because you will be able to capture your images from angles that a regular fixed screen wouldn’t allow for. And you can do this without having to reposition the entire camera. Same as the Sony a6000. However, the Canon T6i has a fully articulating screen as against the Sony a6000’s partial articulating screen. That is, the screen of the Canon T6i can be rotated while that of the Sony a6000 can only be tilted.
Flash The Sony a6000 has an inbuilt flash that will come in handy in poorly lit places. It also has an external flash port that will come in handy for flash photography. Same as the Sony a6000.
RAW Support The Sony a6000 supports the RAW format of storing photos. The RAW format is a great format that allows the photo retain its quality even when it has been sent to storage. Same as the Sony a6000.
Wireless Connection The Sony a6000 has an in-built wireless connection that allows it connect well to the internet. Also, it is NFC (Near Field Connection) compatible which allows it be able to connect with other devices that are also NFC compatible and share files. Finally, the Sony a6000 can be smartphone controlled. Same as the Sony a6000.
Picture Resolution The Sony a6000 has a really good picture resolution. 24 megapixels is definitely not a joke. Same as the Sony a6000.
Get the Sony a6000 now!Get the Canon T6i now!

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i – Common Cons


Sony a6000

Canon T6i

Image Stabilization The Sony a6000 doesn’t come with a feature that prevents the camera from taking blurry pictures when the camera is in motion. You’ll have to get a lens with optical stabilization to manually correct that. Same as the Sony a6000. However, the Canon T6i has more of those optical stabilization lenses available.
Environmental Protection Also, the Sony a6000 doesn’t have any feature(s) that protects it against environmental/weather conditions. Hence, you can’t use the camera in the certain conditions and even if you do, you’ll have to take extra precautions. Same as the Sony a6000,
ISO Range The Sony a6000 doesn’t have a very wide ISO range. This kinda limits the adjustments you can make to light sensitivity as the settings demand. Same as the Sony a6000. However, the Canon T6i has an even narrower ISO range.
Battery Life The Sony a6000 also doesn’t have a very wonderful battery life. But this isn’t exactly surprising seeing as it is a mirrorless camera. The Canon T6i also has a not so good battery life. However, it is a DSLR and so we would have expected better. We do concede, that its battery life is a bit longer than that of the Sony a6000.

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i – What People Think About Both

Sony a6000

Canon T6i

The Sony a6000 seems to be making a good number of photography enthusiasts quite happy. There happen to be a good number of things that people say makes them into the Sony a6000. Some of those things include the speed of the camera, the picture resolution that makes the outcome so go and even the weight of the camera. One of the very top reasons that people are excited about this camera is that you can use it for both photography and videography. Then there is the fully articulating screen that makes it possible for you to take selfies or even video yourself. Of course there are other things that people like including the wireless connection.
However, there have also been those that complain about the weight of the camera. Apparently, a camera that has a bit of weight is more preferable for them. Also, this camera isn’t very popular among people who are looking to using their camera to record videos and that is because of the absence of a microphone port. However, there are also a number of complaints. One of them is the fact that the battery life isn’t very long. Some people have even recommended always having a spare battery in hand. The speed is also a real complaint and is one of the reasons this camera is regarded as an entry level camera.
Get the Sony a6000 now!Get the Canon T6i now!

Sony a6000 Vs Canon T6i – Our Opinion

Sony a6000

Canon T6i

We like the Sony a6000 as a photography camera. It takes nice pictures in good quality and also stores them in good quality. We also like that the camera is pretty fast, you never can tell when you’ll need to take as many pictures as you can get. Of the 2 cameras, we consider (as you probably also do) the Canon T6i the better option for videography. There are other things we like about this camera too including the fully articulating screen. We also think the touch screen is a nice touch (pun intended).
The only real gripes we have with this camera is the battery life. However, if you consider this something you can work with, get the Sony a6000 now! The major gripes we have with this camera aside the battery life is the speed of the camera. We would have liked it better if it was faster. However, if this is something you have no issues with, get the Canon T6i now!

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